SOO good! Honestly working toward all of this for my kids. I think there could also be something in there about natural building, indigenous ways of life, and more unstructured social time within a positive environment around projects...

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This has me dreaming of the role educators organized into revolutionary unions could play in implementing this program during the transition to socialism....

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Would certainly help achieve all this!

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Highly recommend this piece called Insurrection and Production by the AngryWorkers collective about the revolutionary transformation of production:


There is a documentary adaptation on Means TV focused on climate transition which is excellent, too

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We should also embed the elderly into the school system, and utilize mixed-age classes, removing the silos that artificially separate people by age. Mixed-age classrooms are supported by lots of research. Bringing the elderly into the schools is more radical, and as far as I know hasn’t been studied much. But we do know that traditional cultures do not separate people by age, and the result is mutually beneficial relationships that nurture the entire spectrum of human development.

I attended a small school, when I was in high school, that was run by someone with a radical vision of age integration. They purchased a building that used to be a nursing home, so it was set up with some basic medical infrastructure, a cafeteria, etc. They modified it so that some of the rooms became classrooms, and rented out rooms to the elderly at less than half the price of a normal nursing home.

The residents could attend classes if they wished, or teach if they had any special skills. They could also help with reading groups or tutoring. All the children (K-12) ate together in the cafeteria along with the elderly residents. There were also special events sometimes, that everyone attended together. It was really wonderful. Building relationships with people of different ages is so important! I wish all schools did this.

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Great as usual! It's tough having to go through the world seeing how it is vs. how it could be. Thank you for putting your thoughts into words. You're certainly developing a very cohesive and detailed plan.

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